Fun but deeply flawed..
Just Cause at the start is a great game. Think sandbox, gta style. Almost if one were going to make GTA: Banana republic. However once one gets into the later missions the tendency to be instantly killed by gunships firing missles at you, never missing with their regular bullets (which take anywhere from 10%-25% of your health) and instantly being killed by suicidal army personnel ramming their vehicles into you pretty much take all the fun out of the game. Needing to save only at designated points really killed it for me to. In short if you do not like reloading your game over and over again, and then eventually just deleting it from your machine, don't bother.The game also had severe stability problems and frequent crashes (steam version) when played for a long period of time.
Pros: Wide open, huge world
Mayhem oriented
The missions before they become absurdly difficult are fun.
Cons: Far too difficult
Terrible save features
Health kits are few and far between
Enemies that instantly kill you often
Mission difficulty rises extremely steeply from one to the next.